- What measures are in place to keep COVID Secure?
Maximum 4 members plus the Instructor in the Studio, 2m social distancing, masks worn throughout the clinic and only can be removed once on the mats, hand sanitizing station and 3-layer masks provided at the entrance, Studio room well ventilated before, during and after the class, Instructor and Receptionist tested for COVID multiple times a week, Instructor is fully vaccinated, no hands on correction given at this moment in time.
- What if I am not ready for Studio classes?
That’s fine, if you aren’t ready for Studio classes just yet, that’s not a problem as we offer a HYBRID Pilates Service now which means you can always join us online instead.
If online classes isn’t for you and you still want Studio Classes when you feel safer, make sure you register your interest with us via email at reception@able2-physio.co.uk
- What is a Hybrid Pilates class?
A Hybrid Pilates service is one which offers both in person, face to face classes in the Studio AND an Online experience that can be done in your own home at the same time.
The classes are simultaneous and take place live. Whether you are in the Studio or Online you will see and hear, in real time, the exercises being performed by the Instructor and the instructor can see you. You will receive personalised corrections and encouragements which means you can be confident that you will be doing the correct exercise in a safe way whether at home or in the Studio.
This hybrid technology also means that you receive a recording of the class each week and 1 at the end of the block, so you can watch it back to see more clearly what the instructor was doing, review any exercises again that may have confused you at the time in the Live session and get to practice it again as many times as you want. You can choose to watch the whole class or focus on the particular exercises that you love or are not sure you do right in the class.
- How will you teach both online and studio classes at the same time?
The instructor has a mat carefully and strategically placed in the Studio, where they perform and describe each exercise as it is introduced. The instructor is filmed on a webcam, placed so they are clearly seen as the central figure by the Online members to watch and follow. The members in the Studio can also easily see the instructor in person or on the big screen whenever they need to watch how the exercise is performed. The instructor is positioned so they can easily see all members in the Studio and the big screen, which displays all online members, with a quick turn or lift of their head. So, it is much like teaching a usual class.
The quality of feedback given to Online members will depend on the set up of your device and room size, a complimentary set up session is provided to help get the best view of you, which will then give the best feedback.
The instructor demonstrates and describes in detail what each exercise involves, then watches you perform the exercise both on the screen and looks around the studio, giving feedback, encouragement, and further instruction verbally or visually through further demonstration and practice as required. Since lockdown caused all Pilates classes to operate in these remote, hands-off ways instructors have developed increased skill in describing the exercises through experience and practice of working Online. Here at ABLE2 we have also taken the opportunity to take extra training from the Body Control Pilates school of teacher training. It was taught intensively over Zoom by some of the best teachers in the country. This has certainly developed a greater understanding of the exercises themselves, and how to communicate how to perform the exercises which has given us the confidence in teaching both Online and in the Studio, and to not rely on hands on corrections
- Do I need to be vaccinated?
No, you do not need to be vaccinated to be able to attend our Studio Pilates Classes, but it is encouraged that you do get vaccinated when it is offered to you.
- Do I need to do a lateral flow covid test before each class?
No, this is not essential, however, we do recommend you do to ensure you keep yourse4lf and others in the Studio safe. You can order lateral flow covid tests at: https://www.gov.uk/order-coronavirus-rapid-lateral-flow-tests
- How many people can come into the Studio?
4 people right now but will be 5 people when the full restrictions have been lifted.
- What happens on 21st June when full restrictions lift?
When the full restrictions have been lifted, 5 people will be allowed in the studio for each class, hands on correction will be given again and social distancing will no longer be enforced.
- How many members will be in each class?
There will be a maximum of 10 members per class. Maximum 5 will be in the Studio and the rest will be online.
- What do I need to know about joining Studio Pilates?
Once you have a place confirmed in the Studio classes with us and set a start date, we will send you an email explaining everything you need to know i.e. What you need to bring, what you need to do to keep COVID safe and what you need to do when you arrive to the Studio.
- Will I receive hands on correction?
Whilst social distancing and PPE for close contact services regulations remain in place, there will be no hands-on guidance for those in the studio. As this reduces, the instructor may walk around the studio whilst you perform the exercise to observe from different angles, giving on-going verbal instructions and encouragement from what they are observing. Hands on guidance may be given to studio members if seen to be required.
- What do I need to bring into the Studio?
Please bring minimal personal belongings. However, you do need to bring your own water bottle (if you wish to use our water cooler), your small Pilates Equipment: band, spikey ball, head block, ring, weights (if you can safely carry them with you. You can purchase these items from us, please call us on 01625 460 382. A facemask (if you prefer to wear your own, as long as it is a 3-layer mask, if not, we do supply these at the entrance of the Clinic).
- Do I need to bring my own equipment?
Yes, if you have your own.
Band, Spikey Ball, Head Block, Ring, Weights.
- Where can I get changed?
Unfortunately, you cannot. Please come dressed and ready in your workout clothes as there is no where for you to get changed.
- Can I use the toilet?
The toilet is for emergency use ONLY and is NOT to be used as a changing area.
- How do we clean the equipment we have used?
After the class finishes, apply your mask and using the Clinell wipes provided, please proceed to clean the mat and any other shared studio equipment and put them away.
- Can we chat before and after the class?
Although we love the social side of Pilates Classes in the Studio, once you have cleaned the equipment used and are ready to leave, we ask that you leave promptly wearing your mask. If you want to have a chat and a catch up with your fellow class members, please do so outside of the Studio or go for a nice coffee in the Village. There are many lovely places to go nearby.
- Do I have to wear a mask during the class?
No, once you are stood/sat on your Pilates Mat, you can remove your mask, however, anywhere else in the Clinic, your mask should be worn correctly.
- What if I miss a class?
Do not worry. If you are unable to attend your Studio class then you can always join in online or you can swap to a different class one week in that same block. As it stands now, you can only swap to another class online but once full restrictions have been lifted, you will be able to swap to a different class in the Studio, given there is a space available for you.